Samsung Galaxy A51 Review - The Best Selling Android Phone Is BACK!

Samsung Galaxy A51 Review !!

The Samsung Galaxy a51 the company's answer to the mid-range smartphone market in 2020. it had a beautiful display the battery life was also really good and most importantly it was priced at 350 dollars in some cases you were able to pick it up for $300 which was a steal in my opinion in fact the a50 was one of the top-selling smartphones around the world competing against Apple's iPhones that conveys a strong message most people just don't care about having the fastest flagship smartphone because you know they just want something basic they don't want a million features that brands use as marketing points to sell their find out after this of course their dark core RGB Pro is a mouse for every type of gamer with 50 million braided armor on switches lighting blink 2 side grips for better comfort a type-c connector with 50 hour battery life and a three-way operation mode with course there's a slipstream hyper fast wireless technology check it out below alright so from a physical aspect they haven't made any major changes you're still getting a plastic back with metal side railings just like the a50 so it's not a scratch proof as glass backs but it's less here to crack like glass which is a benefit if I were you I just Rock a case just to be safe the display has received a bit of an upgrade.

I mean it's not substantial but they made it look like a modern flagship smartphone so they've expanded the screen by 0.1 inchese liminated the notch on the a50 and when with an infinity o design or in other words you get a punch hole camera they're also using the same AMOLED display on the a50 rocking the same resolution I'll be you get extra pixels vertically because of that screen expansion and that's it does it have a high refresh rate no does it have support for HDR 10 Plus video no does it even look good yes absolutely guys it's still a beautiful screen with great color vibrancy and deeper blacks it looks just as good as a flash your smartphone and I appreciate the fact that it's still a flat screen without any curves look the display is the most important factor of any smartphone and I'm glad Samsung hasn't cut any corners here unfortunately Samsung has still kept the single mono speaker at the bottom which can easily be blocked with your finger when you're holding it in landscape mode it sounds okay it certainly doesn't get any louder I would have preferred a dual speaker setup on the a51 that would've been a nice upgrade over the a50 but we're not getting that with this phone but on the positive side.we still get a headphone jack yeah remember that guy the 3.5 millimeter thingy I'm glad that they've still camped it the in display fingerprint sensor is still here unfortunately just like the a50 I haven't had the best luck when it comes to unlocking the device successfully it refuses for like four times and then the fifth time it works odd just fine in some cases it locks me out and it asked me to try in 30 seconds so I have to force myself to use the swipe pattern which is the second way of unlocking the device I mean it's I have had better luck with the pixel 3a and of course the s20 which is much more expensive smartphone but I really want to know.your thoughts about this would you rather prefer having a display or an in display fingerprint sensor on a cheap smartphone instead of a dedicated one at the back that's actually easily accessible and something that actually works most of the time because I feel like this is certainly one of the areas that is like a hit or miss on a lot of mid-range smart phones.

but I'm curious to know about your thoughts in the comments ask for the rest of features well there isn't anything new compared to the a50 they've still kept a micro SD card slot for storage expansion which I'm sure a lot of you would appreciate there's no support for wireless charging nor does it even have an official IP rating which all makes sense because those certifications and tech costs money the specs are also pretty similar for the most part compared to the a50 so it has an X notes 96 11 versus the X notes 96 10 but these SOC s are essentially the same except for the fact that you can record high resolution video they also have the same amount of RAM do note that in some regions Samsung is offering six to eight gigabytes of RAM which should significantly help with performance storage also remains the same battery size hasn't changed either perhaps my biggest frustration with this phone is the performance now I need to be completely transparent with you guys as a content creator I am fortunate to get my hands on the recent latest flagship smartphones featuring the fastest specs and all the bells and whistles that come with the package I'm also to an extent spoiled by the displays that come with high refresh rate more RAM fast s who sees etc and so the switch to the a51 almost felt like I had to trade a Lamborghini for eight Toyota Yar is that makes sense basic things like launching.Gmail Spotify YouTube Instagram takes at least two to three seconds to load that might not sound like a lot but I mean coming from a flash smartphone it is a lot to me personally the animations are jittery scrolling through Twitter and my Instagram feed was really not that smooth as the page took a few seconds to catch up if you use Google Maps extensively you have to be really patient with the content to load up multitasking performance is also not the greatest and there is a good reason for that my sample comes with 4 gigabytes of RAM and my average usage is around 3 gigabytes which really pushes the limits on this phone now there are a few workarounds to this you could enable developer options through the settings and then reduce the animation speeds or completely turn it off which should help the absolute instantly

 and it should take away the jitteriness that you'll experience with this phone when you set it up out of the box let's keep in mind that content still takes time to load up and it also doesn't help with memory management either now as much as I'd love to say that specs don't matter on phones these days it kind of does on the a51 because this phone is running Android 10 with Samsung's one UI and it's the exact same software experience as what you'll get with the S 20s twenty plus and the s 20 ultra Samsung hasn't made any software enhancements to make sure that the operating system runs efficiently on this little speck hardware think of it as a gamer if you're looking to play the most demanding titles and the best highest possible frame rates to get a smooth experience you would invest in an expensive GPU that's 500 perhaps even $1000 but if you play those most demanding titles on 100 to $150 GPU the I mean you get the point I really think that software is the bottleneck on the a51 perhaps a lighter version of Android that's less resource hungry would yield a better experience I would actually recommend picking up the six key byte or a key buy variant if you can find one because that should significantly help with a performance or multitasking performance on this phone and the positive side battery life has been phenomenal on the a51 I had a great experience with the a50 same story continues with this smart phone you shouldn't worry about battery life whatsoever you can easily push this to maybe 2 days worth of use and that's me is a win-win the last thing that I want to cover here is the camera performance the a fifty one comes with a quad camera set however the only two cameras you'd actually care about is the 12 megapixel ultra wide-angle and the 48 megapixel standard wide-angle you don't get a telephoto lens but there is a 5 megapixel depth sensor for portrait mode and a 5 megapixel and macro camera let's start with the ultra wide something that you need to be aware of they said there's absolutely no focus control when you use this lens which is disappointing thankfully you can still adjust exposure and the images coming out of the sensor look pretty good mostly images lack detail and Samson applies that smoothing filter in post keep in mind I have seen optimizer turned off and everything you're seeing here is shot in auto mode with HDR turned on I also noticed that the shutter lag was way too long so trying to take a photo you have to stay stable for at least three seconds for to process it can get really annoying sometimes HDR is a hit or miss in some cases it works out really well 

but I need to point out that the color science is completely out of whack the tone shifts a lot towards magenta and the lower performance is well let's just say for a phone a telephone don't expect too much the main 48 megapixel light sensor is noticeably better on the one found on the a50 there is good detail dynamic range and contrast but like I said earlier the colors are just not true to life for the most part in some cases it tends to overexpose shots but if you're patient enough with trial and error you can end up with some pretty good results I've also noticed that Samsung has toned down the saturation on the recent phones and I appreciate that here's an example of the weird colors it captures so this is the charging cable for one plus devices if you own a one plus device you know for a fact that it's a vibrant red cable but this phone for some reason things that it's pink I shot the same subject on my pixel for for comparison to show you what it actually looks like hope you were able to take away something from that portrait mode or live focus is okay I mean don't expect to be blown away because once again this sensor just can't process colors accurately the 5 megapixel macro camera was surprisingly really good you can be really creative with this lens if you give it more light it's way better than the 2 megapixel sensor we're seeing on other phones these days this is the front-facing camera test on the galaxy a50 now one of the cool things about the Exynos 96 11CPU is that it can allow the camera to shoot at a high resolution and process that so as you can see this is what it looks like dynamic range is pretty terrible it's obviously not close to what you'll get with the s20 phones but it is passable alright so I switched over to the rear camera on the a51 and it can shoot 4k which is nice and you can also use the wide-angle lens to shoot video there's obviously no image stabilization footage is definitely going to be a little bit jerky the dynamic range is pretty good I'm impressed for what this phone can offer especially for the price point I'm also surprised by the microphone quality as well it's it's surprisingly better than some of the flagships out there but let me know what you guys think about the video quality in the comments so here's the take away with the galaxya51

 I think the only improvement I see over the a50 is the slightly improved camera performance but you still have to be very patient with that. phone meets that criteria and let's not forget if you value display the most on a smart phone the a51 should be on the top of your list because it is a gorgeous display for the price I'm so blown away by that this is a basic phone that gets some of the essentials right and for most people that's a selling feature unfortunately when you look at the rest of picture things do tend to fall apart because the cameras are not that great and the performance is one my biggest issues with the smartphone especially when you compared to the pixel 3a which is about the same price it's a year old and it still has phenomenal camera software support and a really good display there's also the iPhone SC which is the same price as the a51 and it has a great camera the performance is rock-solid and most importantly you get software updates for at least five years lastly I should mention that the pixel forays right around the corner and it is rumored to be priced around $350 if you're in the market for a mid-range smartphone you should probably take out a piece of paper and write down these five major factors that make a smart phone display camera performance software and battery life and then narrow them down to your preference because there are great options out there folks on that note . stay safe it's been responsibly my friends and I'll talk to you guys in the next one.

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